This just have to be reposted. My friend from @arlans_bryggeri have done a tribute beer to the band @totaltjavlamorker (translated to something like ”Total fucking darkness”). The beer is called Totalt Jävla Mörk Öl (Total Fucking Dark Beer). As always he is doing an awesome job and together with the black can from @canmanswe it can’t be anything less than a big success! ;) They all deserves a follow. The beer contains both evil and northern melancholy as stated in the ingredients list. ;) . #Repost @arlans_bryggeri with @get_repost ・・・ The Totalt Jävla Mörk öl (the tribute beer to @totaltjavlamorker) is finished, and if you ask me, it is fucking beautiful! • I asked @skyltgravyrumea if he could make labels, and he absolutely could! They are really beautiful! • @canmanswe delivered the black cans and provided with the can seamer from @oktoberdesign. • I think that every design part of these cans are perfection! And the beer is really good to! 🤘👍 • #hembryggning #craftbeer #homebrew #homebrewing #totaltjävlamörker #totaltjävlamörköl #beerstagram #brewstagram #instabeer #spelasnabbare #imperialstout #stout

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