Ok, I have promised to share the failures as well. This is a other one. I Tried to do a massive bottling-day today, but the kegs were still not cold enough for the beergun. Foam, Foam, Foam and Foam… So I decided to try out the counterpressure filer from ebay. Even more Foam. Had to do some research and the first result was my friend @bsb_homebrew_jonas tutorial on youtube. This was by far the messiest bottling-day ever. And the result was 30 bottles of beer. I was hoping to do about 200 bottles. Will try again tomorrow… And also give the counterpressure filler another try with some other connection. . . #Homebrewing #craftbeer #beer #allgrain #allgrainbrewing #beerporn #beergeek #brewporn #diy #skellefteå #electricbrewery #beerstagram #brewstagram #brewhardware #beerlover #beersofinstagram #brewing #homebrew #craftbeerporn #hembryggning #Livebrewing #dohomebrew #wehomebrew #homebrewingonly #homebrewfeature #brewboars #homebrewexperience #homebrewstories #fail

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