Check out these guys. There is a lot of livestreams going on youtube these days. This one just started streaming. Love the gauges with temperatures in the stream. ;) they started about half an hour ago, so I guess they will be broadcasting for a while. Check out @haveahomebrew and find their livestream link in the bio. First time watching them and they are now in my subscriptionlist. Good luck guys. ⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #YouTube #brewtube #Livestream ⠀ #Homebrewing #craftbeer #beer #allgrain #allgrainbrewing #beerporn #beergeek #brewporn #diy #skellefteå #electricbrewery #beerstagram #brewstagram #brewhardware #beerlover #beersofinstagram #brewing #homebrew #craftbeerporn

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